Sunday, 19 October 2014

My Schedule This Week

Monday: Mo Money, Mo problems
Tuesday: ‘Money’- ABBA
Wednesday: ­To have money or not to have money. That is the question.
Thursday: M=More money
Friday: Money
Saturday: No one man should have all that Money
Sunday: No Money

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

This is for the bus drivers out there

So this is in honour of this photo Humans of New York posted of this guy with this caption:

I had just boarded an 86th Street Crosstown bus today when the driver got on the intercom and declared we were on the "Party Bus." During the 10 minutes I was on the bus, he told five jokes over the intercom, made everyone smile at the person to their left, and conducted a guessing game involving three-letter body parts. On two separate occasions he made everyone on the bus sing Happy Birthday in honor of passengers who had birthdays "coming up in the next couple weeks or so."

Link here:

Ok I've never had a bus driver this cool. How lovely is this guy??


But I've had some pretty top notch drivers in my life.
I'll give you a list of the nicest things bus drivers have done for me/the bus. And it's been pretty darn nice.

  • Waited for me outside my house while I got ready for school (He had gotten used to me being late and making my friend late too.)
  • And when I was really late, he'd wait for my friend and I while we ran to the bus stop in our chunky school uniform and my 300 bags that I carried. (Backpack, sportsgear, badminton racket, camera, change of clothes for afterwards and of course a 3kg bag for lunch)
  • Bought candy/chocolate everytime I or anyone on the bus fundraised for something
  • Makes sure I get to my house safely, then honks and waves goodbye as he continues his route
  • Makes the bus kneel and helps those in wheelchairs and using prams off the bus
  • Calls me gorgeous (but I've been told this is creepy so I'm catching a new bus but hey, a compliment never killed nobody)
  • I have been given an actual tour by a bus driver. They whole bus thoroughly enjoyed it.
  • When our bus drivers switched, the one coming on made us clap for the previous bus driver for doing such a good job.
  • Played The Best of Michael Jackson through the bus speakers. That was all I needed that night.
  • When my friend forgot money, he let her on the bus for free and gave her money for the bus ride home.
  • One was just a hipster. I genuinely couldn't deal with how exciting it was. I made up a rap about it with my friends.
So Bus Drivers.

I believe that you guys have one of the most major influences in peoples daily lives in the most minor way. 

  • You're often the first face a person interacts with or at least sees once they leave the house, and often the last when they go back home.
  • Which means you ensure how smoothly our day will start or end
  • We volunteer our safety completely into your hands
  • You're our tour guides when we're in a foreign land. Which means you now the place well. Which means you're a perfect example of a local in the town.
  • Which means if you have road rage, I won't want to move to the country as I'll probably have road rage too when I drive here especially as I would be a new driver in this country.
  • When you ask someone how they are doing, or just say hi when they get on the bus, it really makes their day. Especially after sitting in the rain.

But I just want to say thank you for doing all the things you didn't have to do (I mean seriously! Chocolates! Beautiful people) and getting me to places safely even though you're driving a massive bus that I fear will tip over every time you turn a corner.

P.S if you haven't been to NZ, then honey you have no idea how winding the roads these guys have to drive are. They are amazing!

Look at this Beast!!!

Saturday, 7 June 2014

And with that, I have finished this trimester.

I still have 2 essays due and a exam to go. But like, forget about thaaaatttt...

So I've heard rumours that people want the lowdown of my life? Is that true? Yeah it is.
Ok so here it is folks with suitable images of this lozo, Zach Galifianakis....

I have a job. An amazing job that is with some great dudes. It's awkward hours but it fits my schedule perfectly and it's a dream and a blessing and what bad syntax in this sentence and it's perfect for what I want to do later in life.

From this job, I have learnt a lot, like the many millimetres of film and it's effect on the quality of the film and what not.

I've noticed weird drinking patterns amongst my peers. Not as intolerable as last year though Hmmm... stay tuned.

I've fallen in love! It's so beautiful-but we'll never see each other again know...

My food obsession has just gotten ridiculous just like my fitness regime.

I've become open to my friends about my love for the Jonas Brothers.

I've gone through a few bags, so I've decided to take better care of my bags.

I genuinely only eat sushi. It's just cheap. And delicious.

The list of films I need to see has decreased by around 5% thanks to my good ol' Film course.

My fashion choices have become ris-kay. But I love it. (But modest)

I've become more giving x100 because I finally earn my own monaayyy

My come back lines have just become funnier by like x100

I've become emotionally attached to random as crap.

I'm also now too attractive for me own good.

That was a joke.

Yeah this is my life right now....

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Things I think while sitting alone at uni

  • Ew. Why don't people throw their rubbish away? All I can smell is who knows how old sushi that's less than a metre away from me.
  • People are totally judging me for alone in a sitting in a four seater.
  • I want to pee but I don't want to carry all my things into the bathroom with me and risk loosing my four seater.
  • I am waiting for a 'friend.'
  • A breeze just came in and that sushi scent has wofted my way. Yum....
  • I really hope no one is looking at what I'm doing over my shoulder like I do to others during my lectures.
  • I came to uni to study. NOT online shop!
  • If I look around for long enough, maybe I'll see a friend who'll sit next to me.
  • Only losers write blogs while at uni. 
  • Only losers write blogs in general.
  • Unless it's actually a good blog.
  • This clearly isn't.
  • Thank goodness no one can hear the Jonas Brothers playing through my headphones.
  • Writing a blog counts as studying for media right?
  • I'm bound to have one friend free at uni somewhere. They'll totally walk past me eventually right?
  • Are you a student or a lecturer? I can't tell.....
  • The amount of rubbish on my table genuinely makes me look like I've been here for 3 days.
  • I do have a home.
  • I'm not hipster enough for the people here.
  • Listening to the Jonas Brother's first album is telling the story of my life.
  • I'm going to pretend I received a txt from a friend who's coming to meet me soon. I'll look around to make it seem like I'm scouting for them just in case they can't find me when in reality I'M ALONE
  • Is that red pen on my hand or blood?
  • Oh my goodness if something bad happens to me like this robin flying around me attacking me, I'll have no one to laugh it off with and will be flat out embarrassed!
  • Dangg I need to leave. Ok I'll look at my phone and make it seem like my friend has txted me to meet her somewhere.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

But first, let me tell you about American Idol season XIII

In reference to the constant 'But first let me take a selfie.' 


Sorry to start on a bad note. Just the stink hiccup we have to get over. Moving on...

This has got to be one of the greatest seasons of American Idol. People really need to get back into this show!
Idol has had some oops and floops but they've had some good seasons: Season 11, 10 just to name a few (I can't be bothered going any further)
Season 12 was experimental-we don't talk about it. (But Nicki? Really? No. Worse than Ellen's season. In Macklemore's words: wot-wot? wot? wot?)

Yes, some of my favourites weren't in the finals, a lot of people just fell off the face of the earth-we somehow lost connections with contestants i.e Munfarid Zardi who just died but was resuscitated when he just randomly showed up in one of the later episodes to be cradled again by Harry??-then at the same time there was the whole 'who on earth was in the top 13 before Majesty was eliminated? But seriously, who?

Here's some quick little mentions of what made the season so good before I get into my disappointing statement:

1. Harry Connick Junior!! He's like that dad you kinda want. Nothing he said ever made sense and he did bizarre things but he made everyone else more comfortable and his criticism was top notch, forcing the other judges to up their comedic and criticism game.

2. The little dinner catch ups are so cute. They're so obviously staged but it's still kind of interesting to watch....

3. The little chats they have and sing-alongs in the car were quite entertaining too. Though it was an obvious promotion for Ford, it seemed like a seamless other segment.

4. The comical contestant photos with their numbers on it. Even I knew they were horribly photoshopped (HIRE ME! I CAN DO A GOOD JOB! PLEASE!) but they were such a good idea!
I die everytime!

5.The return of actual performers i.e comedic entertaining contestants! MALAYA MY LOVE!

Long live these guys though. Am i right?

6. And these hilarious cast members reenact those little stories they share before they sing and it's top notch! Makes it 100 times more interesting.
I couldn't find an image of my arguement so here's Sam Woolf just chillin'

And most of all they contain performances that don't need half naked gals running around. (hmmm x factor! This is why you're cancelled.....)


I called for this idol intervention because:
Whatever happened to Idol Gives Back?

I don't have statistics but I'm pretty sure that this was the most watched episode.
I'll keep my word on that.

But was this not the most brilliant idea in reality TV history? I thought that this would be an annual thing, and it seems like it hasn't.
Give me answers Idol!

This was the episode that pretty much put a halt on all the craziness of the show and just made the contestants and everyone else around them think: 'man are we blessed.'
Not only that, it managed to conjure up a whole lot of donations for causes in America and Africa too.
And it was also nice to see this television giant donating money AND time for the good of others that need it.

Even Miley was normal when it was on.
Miley Cyrus Idol Gives Back 2008

And we learnt that no matter what the conditions, Simon actually wore the same thing to everything.

So next season, please revive Idol gives back. I don't have many reasons as to why you should but I think one reason is enough: It's the right thing to do.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

6 reasons why Manhunter is hilariously amazing:

1. White. White. White. Symbolism. Symbolism. Symbolism.

 2. There's unfortunately not enough of him but this is a beautiful Hannibal being acted out here.

He knows he's smarter than you. HE KNOWS IT.

3. More colour symbolism

4. This hottie
Today's my nice day. But there's so many things I want to say.

5. For teaching us that the purpose of pantyhoses are to create great disguises.

Tooth Fairy goes from this:

To this:

I had no idea it was him! The skin coloured elastic pants fooled me!

5. For giving us the best songs ever to feature in a movie. 
Heartbeat-Red 7

The album cover right, IS A RED 7!


In a Gadda da Vida- Iron Butterfly

The lead singer was too drunk to call the song by it's real name. 'In the Garden of Eden.'

Ok I have to show you the scene.
(SPOILER ALERT. This is like the main the whole film)
Watch from 40 seconds in if you're as lazy as me.


6. Last but not least, the fashion.
No, I actually want those white pants so joke's on you really.

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Where the VMAs went wrong

Move aside the infamous Miley performance, this is about the actual awards. (Guttered I didn't see the N*Sync reunion. I mean I get their name, I deserve a private concert)

Yeah ok, JT's Mirror was a pretty good music video.
Award winning? Debatable.

Moving along.

Who were nominated: 

Before you think I'm going to go on a rant about these nominated videos, I'll let you know I'm not going to. This is because:
1. I never made it to the end of these videos (Does that already say something??)
so 2. You can't critique something you haven't seen.

But here are some under-appreciated good videos that have been under-appreciated not only by the VMAs but others too.

Visually beautiful with it's colours with a perff hint of morals. This is the direction of Paramore videos from now on. I DEMAND IT! No more Misery Business vids!!
The definition of Throwback Thursday. Edgy, funny, entertaining and groovy. It constantly maintains your attention throughout the video with it's quirky matching to the lyrics. It's got a taste of Andy Warhol to it, if Andy wasn't trying to make a point about consumerism and was just having a laugh.
Technically 2012 but whatever. I love it.
Also technically 2012 but someone give this boy some credit. He's sooo quirky and the long legs and the use of that box space keeps you entranced. But the choreography. Oh it's beautiful. More like this please! More! It was like I had bought a ticket to the local theater for a little show.
Better song and music video than Thrift shop. Whaatt uppp! The constant moving of scenery and the swift transitions between them. Ryan Lewis, I like you.
Such a cute music video. Not a winning vid but definitely deserves some credit for it's hilarity and adorab-ility. Calvin and Ellie sold themselves as a couple! They're naturals. Who knows why there was ever Ellie and Skrillex....
I'm biased. I just love him.
LOOK AT THE TIBETAN MASTIFF!!! So this little video is pretty cute and you may not get it till you hear the Wizard of Oz and Bolivian background to it. Once you do, you'll see how it fits perfectly with the lyrics of the song and just became one perfect marriage. (Wiki it if you need to, it helps)
Yeah so this came out after the VMAs. Therefore:
Dear 2014 VMAs. 
Please get it right. This deserves at least a nomination. 
Yours Sincerely, Abbekah.

And I leave you with this final note. Sometimes I understand Kanye.

Monday, 6 January 2014

You got a Bob?

A few months ago I cut off all my hair and styled it to a Chelsea Staub kind of bob. But it hasn't managed to look as good as hers does.

If you've seen me, I'm pretty close....

So recently I've been struggling to find a good outfit to to go with my short hair. It's hard ya know. So I decided to look up (Google is my best friend) different and stylish short hair looks especially to go with a bob and collated the best looks for you! (I'm a nice person)

And well, here are the looks!

The Bob Marley do:                                                            Shortness rating: (just)4/5
The first look seems to be a popular one by the looks of it, modeled by 3 and a half of the people in this photo. The idea of the look is to pick your Afro (if you don't have one, you're at a loss sorry) so it looks a bit windswept, not too much though otherwise you'll spoil the illusion. White midi dresses work well with the look, probably around $20 if you look in the right places. $20.99 or more if you don't.
A black satchel or shoulder bag compliments the attire nicely as it doesn't take away from the glory of the hair but instead matches it to prevent clashing of colours. (This photo is in black and white though so who knows what colour is actually in this....)
Which leads to my next point, it is ideal to have black hair.
If the 'Bob' is dressed in double denim, you've completed this look to the ideal. Also if you a related to the Bob, again full perfection.

The Bob Dylan do:                                                                   Shortness rating: 4/5
Woah, this is a choice outfit. Looks like it's straight out of Vogue! 
Wake up in the morning, give your hair a bit of a shake, add a bit of gel or hairspray (or if referring to the musical, a lot) to keep the flawless hair do in it's place for the rest of the evening. A purple dress as worn by Sara Lownds is the perfect way to pull of this look. Probably wont find it in many stores so better D.I.Y it I reckon. Everybody has a sewing machine somewhere in their house.
Your 'Bob' do is better with a leather jacket, jeans and a massive textbook (adds character)

So Bob, what do you think of the look?
Not the answer I was hoping for but I'll take it anyway.

The Bob Ross do:                                                                 Shortness rating: 10/5
The infamous meme style image can be your new famous look! Best to go no hair with this outfit and instead replace it with a canvas. No hair, no mess, no worries!
Don't necessarily need a particular outfit, more a particular picture. Opting for the beach look is risky as beach hair is hard to work but the forest always works a charm. Add paint to the face for extra points.
Your 'bob' should be in his usual outfit. Fro, beard, mo, cream dress shirt and brush and palate.
What a beaut.
The Bob Harper do:                                                                Shortness rating: 3/5
For those gym days, you want to look fit right? Just pin your hair back so it's out of your face and genuinely looks like you want to concentrate on looking fit. Fake skins and a tank always makes it look like you're into it, maybe add a mic so it looks like your a professional. Blue new balances too. MUST BE NEW BALANCE.
Your 'bob' must, I emphasise must, be in knee high socks. The rest is up to him.
The Bob Geldolf do:                                                               Shortness rating: 2/5
Leave your hair flat over your face to achieve this look. Some flats, a stripey top with a skirt and bag which will cost way more than it's worth. Make sure to cut out the back of your top just for a bit of edge:
Your 'bob' needs to meet these requirements:
1) Needs to be rich. No one knows how he's rich, but somehow he still is
2) Needs to be philanthropic. Put on a concert or something. It's easy.
3) Have weird names for his kids.

The Bob Saget do:                              Shortness rating: Who cares, your Bob Saget
Last but not least, our Bob Saget.
Face it, you can't pull it off.
Stick to the looks above.
It's Bob Saget for crying out loud.
And of course Bob Newhart: